functional impact of protein mutations
release   3  

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Method :  Boris Reva, Yevgeniy Antipin, Chris Sander
Implementation :  Yevgeniy Antipin
Maintenance, rel.3:  Robert Sheridan
Advice and support :  Alex Lash, Caitlin Byrne, Aaron Gabow, Joanne Edington, Nikolaus Schultz

Genomic mapping provided by CBio Mapback


   (Reaches all authors)


MSA building queue :0
Variant analysis queue :0

  Some statistics

number of built Uniprot-based msa1) in the database :    146,390
average width of msa in the database :    102.4
average height of msa in the database :    324.2
number of human Uniprot proteins (SwissProt+Trembl) :    205,064
total length of human Uniprot proteins :    44,836,999
total length of human Uniprot proteins covered with msa :    13,236,898
fraction of total length of human Uniprot proteins covered with msa :    29.52%
number of human Refseq proteins :    71,867
total length of human Refseq proteins :    46,120,599
number of human Refseq proteins mapped to Uniprot :    64,712
fraction of total length of human Refseq proteins covered with Uniprot-based msa :    24.14%
number of human Refseq proteins covered with at least one Uniprot-based msa :    20,249
number of PDB structures with at least one protein chain:    100,083
total length of unique PDB protein chains2) :    45,672,006
fraction of total length that is in a binding site with another protein chain :    12.89%
fraction of total length that is in a binding site with small molecule :    3.69%
fraction of total length that is in a binding site with DNA/RNA :    2.15%

  1) msa = multiple sequence alignment
  2) only residues with all ATOM records intact are included in chain sequence; chain is considered unique if it
      differs from any other chain in the same PDB file by one or more residues

Computational Biology Center | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center