functional impact of protein mutations
release   3  

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Batch submission, scripting & Web API

New variants can be submitted through the Web API using commands described below. To avoid floodig the server with too many Web API calls please don't send more than 5 requests per second.

Please note that the analysis of submitted variations is done asynchronously - if a new variant falls into a protein domain which does not yet have a multiple sequence alignment (MSA) in the server database, "word [sent]" is returned in the "MSA" field until the MSA is built. You can see the size of current MSA queue on about page. The same approach applies when computing Functional Impact scores of new variants.


Function: Variant Analysis (Submit a new variant for analysis / get variant annotations)<protein ID>&var=<variant><genomic substitution>

for example :,55211080,G,A,13,32338418,G,T


To get tab-separated text add frm=txt, to get all available fields add fts=all

for example :,55211080,G,A&fts=all&frm=txt


To get a JSON format array of objects add frm=json

To select fields for each JSON object add a comma separated list of Specifiers (see page bottom) fts=colspec1,...,colspecN

for example :,55211080,G,A&frm=json&fts=input,gene,msa,pdb,F_impact,F_score,rsport,msa_height

Function: Multiple Sequence Alignment (Variant highlighted in a multiple sequence alignment of a particular domain)<protein ID>&rb=<domain start>&re=<domain end>&var=<variant>

for example :

Function: 3D Structure (Variant highlighted on 3D structure)<protein ID>&from=<domain start>&to=<domain end>&var=<variant>

for example :


to specify a particular PDB structure and chain add pc=<PDB code>:<PDB chain>

for example :

Function: List of Built MSA (All MSA built for a particular protein)

Domain boundaries provided to other API functions must correspond to a MSA built and stored in the database.

To get a list of all MSA built for a particular protein use this command:<protein ID>

for example :


to get it as a tab-separated table for automatic parsing, or JSON format arry of objects; add frm=txt, or frm=json

for example :

Function: Specificity Residues for MSAs (Specificity Scores and Conservation Scores for a Proteins' Built Alignments)

To get the specificity scores and conservation scores per alignment column for all MSA built for a particular protein use this command:<protein ID>

for example :


to get it as a tab-separated table for automatic parsing add frm=txt

for example :


To get a JSON format array of objects add frm=json

To only show residues positions which are within the used range for variant score access add igf=yes

for example :


Notes on output:

- output will only be generated for MSA which have been previously built.

- some constructed alignments overlap others, and then part of an alignment may be unused for score lookup.

- field align# shows the alignment number (for example, with 2 alignments, this will be '1' or '2')

- field inner_flag is ('1', or '0') if this column of the alignment (is, or is not) used for score lookup.

- field residue# is the residue position in the uniprot protein sequence.

- field residue is the amino acid residue code in the uniprot protein sequence.

- field cons_score is the entropy based score for conservation in the column. Lower scores mean greater conservation.

- field cons_flag is ('1', or '0') if this column (is, or is not) flagged as a low conservation scoring column.

- field spec_score is the entropy based score for specificity in the column. Higher scores mean greater specificity.

- field spec_flag is ('1', or '0') if this column (is, or is not) flagged as a high specificity scoring column.

- columns are flagged if they are in the most significant 17% of the total score range for the relevant score type.

Function: RefSeq Sequences for Genome Position<genome build>,<chromosome>,<position>

To get a JSON format array of objects add frm=json

for example :,9,98209229,9,98209229&frm=json

Field specifiers for JSON output format

Column nameSpecifier Description
Mutationinput Mutations as given by the user
RG variantrgaa Variant based on reference genome (for submitted in genomic coordinates)
RG variant typergvt Variant type based on reference genome: missense,silent,stop loss,nonsense (for submitted in genomic coordinates)
User datadata Optional user data
MSAmsa Link to multiple sequence alignment browser
PDBpdb Link to 3D structure browser
Func.ImpactF_impact` Functional impact of a variant : predicted functional (high, medium), predicted non-functional (low, neutral). Please see paper for details.
FI scoreF_score Functional impact combined score
VC scorevc_score Variant conservation score
VS scorevs_score Variant specificity score
Mapping issueinfo Issue with variant/protein mapping
AA variantvar Amino-acid substitution
Genegene Gene name
Uniprotuprot Uniprot protein accession ID
Refseqrsprot Refseq protein ID
gaps in MSAgaps Portion of gaps in variant position in multiple sequence alignment
MSA heightmsa_height Number of diverse sequences in multiple sequence alignment (identical or highly similar sequences filtered out)
Codon start positionchr Start of a codon
Uniprot positionup_pos Variant position in Uniprot protein, can be different from the one in Refseq
Uniprot residueup_res Reference residue in Uniprot protein, can be different from the one in Refseq
Refseq positionrs_pos Variant position in Refseq protein, can be different from the one in Uniprot
Refseq residuers_res Reference residue in Refseq protein, can be different from the one in Uniprot
N.Cosmiccnt_cosmic Number of mutations in COSMIC for this protein
N.SNPscnt_snps Number of SNPs in dbSNP for this protein
Protein b.sitebs_prot Variant position maps to PDB residue which is in a binding site with another protein
DNA/RNA b.sitebs_dna Variant position maps to PDB residue which is in a binding site with DNA/RNA molecule
small.mol b.sitebs_smol Variant position maps to a PDB residue that is in a binding site with a small molecule. Only the first 4 are shown in the main table - browse through mapped PDB structures to see all small molecules. The following small molecules are ignored: PO4,PI,SO4,SUL,CL,BR,NO3,SCN,NH4,K,NA,LI,MG,DOD,NAG,MAN,GOL,SO4,CL,CO3,FS4 (source:Polyphen)

Computational Biology Center | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center