Batch submission, scripting & Web APINew variants can be submitted through the Web API using commands described below. To avoid floodig the server with too many Web API calls please don't send more than 5 requests per second. Please note that the analysis of submitted variations is done asynchronously - if a new variant falls into a protein domain which does not yet have a multiple
sequence alignment (MSA) in the server database, " Links:
Function: Variant Analysis (Submit a new variant for analysis / get variant annotations)<protein ID>&var=<variant><genomic substitution> for example :,55211080,G,A,13,32338418,G,T
To get tab-separated text add frm=txt, to get all available fields add fts=all for example :,55211080,G,A&fts=all&frm=txt
To get a JSON format array of objects add frm=json To select fields for each JSON object add a comma separated list of Specifiers (see page bottom) fts=colspec1,...,colspecN for example : Function: Multiple Sequence Alignment (Variant highlighted in a multiple sequence alignment of a particular domain)<protein ID>&rb=<domain start>&re=<domain end>&var=<variant> for example : Function: 3D Structure (Variant highlighted on 3D structure)<protein ID>&from=<domain start>&to=<domain end>&var=<variant> for example :
to specify a particular PDB structure and chain add pc=<PDB code>:<PDB chain> for example : Function: List of Built MSA (All MSA built for a particular protein)Domain boundaries provided to other API functions must correspond to a MSA built and stored in the database. To get a list of all MSA built for a particular protein use this command:<protein ID> for example :
to get it as a tab-separated table for automatic parsing, or JSON format arry of objects; add frm=txt, or frm=json for example : Function: Specificity Residues for MSAs (Specificity Scores and Conservation Scores for a Proteins' Built Alignments)To get the specificity scores and conservation scores per alignment column for all MSA built for a particular protein use this command:<protein ID> for example :
to get it as a tab-separated table for automatic parsing add frm=txt for example :
To get a JSON format array of objects add frm=json To only show residues positions which are within the used range for variant score access add igf=yes for example :
Notes on output: - output will only be generated for MSA which have been previously built. - some constructed alignments overlap others, and then part of an alignment may be unused for score lookup. - field align# shows the alignment number (for example, with 2 alignments, this will be '1' or '2') - field inner_flag is ('1', or '0') if this column of the alignment (is, or is not) used for score lookup. - field residue# is the residue position in the uniprot protein sequence. - field residue is the amino acid residue code in the uniprot protein sequence. - field cons_score is the entropy based score for conservation in the column. Lower scores mean greater conservation. - field cons_flag is ('1', or '0') if this column (is, or is not) flagged as a low conservation scoring column. - field spec_score is the entropy based score for specificity in the column. Higher scores mean greater specificity. - field spec_flag is ('1', or '0') if this column (is, or is not) flagged as a high specificity scoring column. - columns are flagged if they are in the most significant 17% of the total score range for the relevant score type. Function: RefSeq Sequences for Genome Position<genome build>,<chromosome>,<position> To get a JSON format array of objects add frm=json for example :,9,98209229,9,98209229&frm=json Field specifiers for JSON output format