functional impact of protein mutations
release   3  

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position : hg19,9,98209229  UCSC GB

RefSeq protein version chr from to strand
1 XP_005252160 1_9 9 98209194 98242776 -
2 NP_001077074 1_9 9 98209194 98248097 -
3 XP_005252159 1_9 9 98209194 98248097 -
4 NP_001077075 1_9 9 98209194 98248097 -
5 NP_001077073 1_9 9 98209194 98248097 -
6 NP_001077076 1_9 9 98209194 98248097 -
7 NP_000255 2_9 9 98209194 98270643 -
8 NP_001077071 1_9 9 98209194 98278753 -
9 NP_001077072 1_9 9 98209194 98279102 -

Computational Biology Center | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center